Agape' Int'l Church of GOD 7th Day
Agape' Int'l Church of GOD 7th Day


Click on the pictures below to watch sermons recorded live from Agape!

"Why are you?" In this sermon, we are urged to always remember that it is the unconditional love of GOD that gives us life. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Angelicia Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Where do you store your treasures? What do you place value in? In this sermon, we explore these questions. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Are you living for now or later? This sermon teaches that your "now" determines your "later" and your "later" determines your "now". We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Missionary Zara Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Who are you? This is a question that believers must consider. In this sermon, we examine Ezekiel 7 and meditate on this vital question. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sister Angelicia Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The scripture of focus for this sermon is Romans 8. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon focuses on "one". In this sermon, we are encouraged to remember that one is the majority with GOD. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The focus of this sermon is "I.D.". This scripture for this sermon is Colossians 1. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

This message is all about abasing yourself and allowing GOD to exalt you himself. In this sermon, we hear about the important concept of humility. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The scripture of focus for this sermon is 1 Corinthians 3:6-7. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Mark Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

In this sermon, the message is addressed to all mothers. The focus for this sermon is Matthew 20:20-29. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Who is the predator? In this sermon titled "Predator", we hear about how the Devil uses our words, wants, and woes as our weakness. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Missionary Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon focuses on one word: agape. The scripture for focus in this sermon is Ruth 1. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

In this sermon, we focus on four words: water, word, world, and walk. The scripture for focus in this sermon is Psalms 14. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

What is true beauty? Is your focus on the outward appearance or true inner beauty? In this sermon preached by Missionary Anderson, we learn about the true beauty that only GOD can give. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The scripture for focus in this sermon is 1 Corinthians 13. In this sermon, we address the topic of true, agape love. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Why worry about the temporal instead of being concerned with the eternal? In this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo, we focus on Matthew 6:24-29 and discuss the topic of worry. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The scripture of focus for this sermon is Luke 2:41-52. In this sermon, we hear all about the importance of questions. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon! 

Do you feel forgotten by GOD? Are you struggling alone? In this sermon, Missionary Anderson teaches about how GOD is always with us - even through the "night terrors". Click the picture to access the sermon!

Do you know your brethren? This sermon is all about knowing those who labour among you. In this sermon preached by Missionary Zara Anderson, we are encouraged to uplift our brethren and truly know who are our brethren. Click the picture to access the sermon!

Are you getting sidetracked by distractions in your walk with CHRIST? Are you spending less time in HIS word? In this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson, we learn about avoiding distractions and keeping our focus. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The main focus of this sermon is one word: questions. The scripture for this sermon is Matthew 6. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon!

The focus of this sermon is advice. In this sermon, we can learn to do our alms in secret, lay our treasures in heaven, seek GOD's kingdom and righteousness, and fast. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

In this sermon, we focus on one word: reward. The scripture of focus for this sermon is Matthew 6:1-8. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

The focus of this sermon is not worrying about tomorrow and the future. The scripture for this sermon is Matthew 6. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon!

In this sermon we focus on two things: dreams and visions. This sermon demands that we heed the messages that GOD gives us through dreams and visions. Enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson! Click the picture to access the sermon!

In this sermon, we focus on Matthew 6:24. From this sermon, we can learn all about the value of loyalty, which is showcased all throughout scripture. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The scripture for this sermon is Matthew 6. This sermon teaches us about one word: GENUINE. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The scripture for this sermon is Psalms 136. In this sermon, we are focusing on one word: REAL. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The scripture for this sermon is Matthew 7:1. In this sermon, we can hear about the importance of not judging others. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

This sermon encourages us to truly LISTEN to the WORD. To be doers of the WORD, we must first be hearers. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Zara Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

In this sermon, we hear about how we must be witnesses for CHRIST and share our testimonies. We must "cast our nets". We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Mark Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The focus of this sermon is Proverbs 16:25. This sermon teaches us not to depend on our own abilities and not to follow our own paths, but to rely completely on CHRIST. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

This sermon is all about the importance of prayer. Prayer is our connection with GOD, and we must learn to use it. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon.

The title of this sermon is, "Hope: Here, There, and After". This sermon teaches us about having hope and relying on CHRIST through all of our trials. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Zara Anderson! Click the picture to access the sermon.

In this sermon, we hear about making oaths and vows. The message of this sermon teaches us that we cannot flippantly make vows. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Mark Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon.

This sermon is about corruption, sin, and repentance. The preacher reminds us that we cannot hide our sin from GOD, but HE is willing to forgive us. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Zara Anderson! Click the picture to access the sermon.

This focus of this sermon is Jeremiah 18:1-6. This sermon is all about being moldable and available for GOD to use! We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Michelle Jackson! Click the picture to access the sermon.

This sermon is all about leading a truly Christian life. This sermon focuses on faith, studying HIS word, prayer, and many other parts of the Christian walk. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The scripture of focus for this sermon is Matthew 6. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon.

This sermon is about friendship. Who is a true friend? Are you a friend of GOD? We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Zara Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

The scripture of focus for this sermon is Matthew 6. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access the sermon.

What is GOD's will? This sermon is about following GOD's will and understanding what it truly is! We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access the sermon. 

Does your light shine? This sermon is all about letting your light shine for all to see, no matter where you are! We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Sis. Zara Anderson. Click the picture to access the sermon.

Be Real. This sermon is all about avoiding hypocrisy and instead being who GOD made you to be. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Bro. Jason Anderson! Click the picture to access this sermon!

Remember the three P's: prayer, plan, and prioritize. This sermon is all about these three important actions. We hope you enjoy this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo! Click the picture to access this sermon!

Do you have the mark of peace... or the mark of the beast? This sermon is all about exemplifying CHRIST and having HIS mark on your life! We hope you enjoy! Click the picture to access this sermon!

This is a sermon about GOD's creation! Taught by Pastor Clive Lindo. We hope you enjoy! Click the picture to access this sermon! 

This is a short sermon clip about how we should use the wisdom that GOD gives us and not be fools. We hope that you gain something from this sermon preached by Brother Jason Anderson. Click the picture to access this sermon!

What are you living for? This sermon is all about one word: for. We hope that you learn from this sermon preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click the picture to access this sermon!

This is a short sermon clip. We hope that you gain something from it! Click the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon is about change. Preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Clive the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon is titled, "Beauty and the Beast." Preached by Sis. Zara Anderson. Click the picture to access this sermon!

This sermon is about Romans 7. Pastor Clive Lindo preached this sermon. Click the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon is all about Matthew 6:33. Preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click on the picture to access the sermon!

This sermon focuses on Matthew 22. Preached by Pastor Clive Lindo. Click on the picture to access the sermon!

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