Agape' Int'l Church of GOD 7th Day
Agape' Int'l Church of GOD 7th Day

Our Ministry in Pakistan

Pakistan is a Muslim country located in South Asia. Around 98% of the population identifies as Muslim while just 1.5% identifies as Christian. Most Pakistanis struggle to make ends meet, earning just $65 per month, or around $2 each day. For Christians in Pakistan, these difficulties are exacerbated due to social segregation, bigotry, and violence.


Recently, there has been a surge in allegations of “irreverence” and “blasphemy” committed  by Christians, resulting in further violence and legal action against them. Furthermore, due to their minority status, many Christians experience difficulties in gaining access to schooling and getting work opportunities. Many Pakistani Christians express worries that more constraints will be placed on them because of their faith. The general climate can be threatening, making it hard for Christians in Pakistan to practice their faith unreservedly and without fear.


Considering these factors, we are beginning a few ventures in Pakistan to encourage and aid our Christian youth:


1. Sewing Community for Ladies


By creating a sewing community for Christian ladies in Pakistan, we hope to engage and teach them important skills like sewing and fitting. We hope this will establish a greater sense of freedom and creativity among our ladies.


2. Vegetable Garden & Independent Companies

By creating a network of Christian companies and food providers, our brethren in Pakistan will not have to rely on companies who may discriminate against them and will be able to provide for themselves despite low incomes.


We hope that by accomplishing these goals, we will be able to strengthen Christian communities in Pakistan and provide for our brethren in need.

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